How to burn fat

How to burn fat

The human body is a wonderful machine and you can get it to do what ever you want. You just need to know how to use it. These easy tips will help you burn fat fast.

Go to bed earlier

It is important to sleep at least 7 hours a day. If you don't sleep enough, your body will be stressed and you will store more calories. Also, short sleep is associated with reduced leptin, elevated, ghrelin and increased body mass index. Basically, leptin is the chemical that tells your brain when you're full, when it should burning up calories and when it should create energy for your body to use. While you sleep, leptin levels increase telling your body you don't need energy. When you don't sleep enough, your leptin levels decrease and that can result in a constant feeling of hunger and a general slowdown of your metabolism.

Sleep deprivation also results in higher levels of gherlin - the hormone responsible for telling your brain when you need to eat, when it should stop burning calories and when it should store energy as fat. When you sleep, gherlin levels decrease because sleep requires less energy than awake does. When you don't sleep enough, you end up with too much gherlin in your system. As a result, your body thinks it's hungry and it needs more calories, and it stops burning those calories because it thinks there's a shortage.

A study in Finland examined sets of identical twins and discovered that in each set of siblings, the one who sleep less and was under more stress had more visceral fat.

Eat more protein

Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle, otherwise when you lose weight, your body will take it from the muscle instead of burning fat. Protein can also increase post-meal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent. Protein also helps you stay full because it doesn't give sugar spikes. On the contrary, carbohydrates make you full when you eat them but they turn into sugar that make your glucose go up very fast and at the same speed it goes down again, resulting in a feeling of tiredness and hunger.

According to a 2006 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that the current recommended daily intake for protein (0.36 grams per pound of body weight) is inadequate for anyone doing resistance training, and recommended that women get between 0.54 and 1 gram per pound of body weight.

Drink Cold Water

According to a study carried out in Germany, researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day can up resting metabolism by approximately 50 calories daily. This might be a result of the work it takes to heat the water to body temperature.

Vary your calorie intake

When you vary your calorie intake every few days rather than eating the exact same amount of calories daily, you outsmart your metabolism and continue to burn fat.

According to Dr Jim Stoppani:

“Although in today's society good tends to be accessible and abundant, our bodies are designed to store as much energy as possible to prepare for times of scarcity. One way the body does this is by adjusting its metabolic rate based on calorie intake.

If you stick with the same calories every single day while dieting, your body will adjust by lowering metabolic rate to prevent you from burning off too much body fat. It's all about hormones.

When leptin levels are high, your metabolic rate stays high; when leptin levels drop, so does your metabolic rate.

When calories are low and steady, leptin levels fall and so does metabolic rate. Eating higher calories on some days and lower calories on others helps keep leptin levels up.”

Eat spicy

Capsaicin, the compound that makes chili peppers hot, can also speed up your metabolism. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, eating about 1 tablespoon of chopped peppers (red or green) boosts your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for your fight-or-flight response). As a result, chili peppers can boost your metabolism by 23 percent.

Drink coffee or tea

You can also boost your metabolism by drinking either coffee or tea. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, and it can spike up your metabolism by 5 to 8 percent. As a result, your body burns about 98 to 174 calories a day. According to a Japanese study, a cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by 12 percent. The researches believe that the boost is caused by antioxidants called catechins found in tea.

Best hair care for straight hair

Best hair care for straight hair

Of all the issues facing women in today's busy societies, one that is always foremost in their minds is hair care. It's bad enough that hair styles come in such a variety of shapes and sizes, many ladies choose to completely alter their look on a regular basis. 

The good news is that for every particular style of hair, there's always a corresponding series of tips. So let's take a look at one of the most prevalent hairstyles: straight hair.

Keeping straight hair manageably straight can often seem like an uphill battle. How many times have you returned from a visit to your favourite hairdressers, admiring your latest sleek, straight hair makeover in the mirror – only for the style to fall apart. There can be several reasons for this to happen. The weather can sometimes be responsible for hair disasters. Excessive humidity in the atmosphere, right down to full-on rain downpours, can play havoc with the style that seemed so perfect a matter of hours beforehand.

Removing knots

Here is what you should know about hair care for straight hair. First of all, it is all too easy for straight hair to gather unseemly waves and kinks if it is left unattended. What you want to do in the first instance is ensure that your hair is tangle free – especially if there is any likelihood of it getting wet (when those pesky.

Tugs and tangles can easily be removed with some careful brushing. It's important not to be overly zealous while trying to remove these knots, as attacking the tugs with the brush will cause damage to the hair. Instead, use calm even strokes, going back to the problem areas and repeating the brushing process until the hair resorts to its natural straightness. 


WashingThe next part of the process is to ensure that your street hair is rinse thoroughly. Afterwards, select a shampoo and pour a small portion into your hand – about the size of a coin. Now vigorously rub your palms into one another so you build up a considerable lather. Next, you work this shampoo into your hair, using your fingertips to really get the foam right into your scalp. This is important because you must ensure all your hair receives treatment, down to the roots. Also, avoid piling the hair up on top of your head.

A common question asked about straight hair care is how often to apply shampoo? While it may seem tempting to wash on a daily basis, it is not necessary to perform the task so frequently. Every second day will suffice, or even a couple of times a week. 

Another important tip is not to scrub your scalp if your hair is at all oily, is this will exacerbate the condition.


After shampooing it is important to apply a good conditioner. This will ensure that you hair maintains a healthy sheen, as well as making it far easier to untangle. Use a wide-tooth comb to rinse out the conditioner as you shower.


When finally drying your hair, avoid rubbing too hard. Instead, use more of a ‘blotting' technique, as it is far better for your hair to remove the dampness slowly and surely. Once you have performed a cursory drying out, comb the hair again to ensure the shape is maintained. 

Maintaining that straight style

The most effective way to ensure your straight hairstyle remains intact is to visit a good stylist every 4 to 6 weeks. As straight hair is especially prone to split ends, your stylist will ensure that these are tackled regularly. 

Best eye care

Best eye care

Looking after your eyesight is amongst the most crucial aspects of personal health care. These precious organs enable you to interact with the world, so here is what you should be doing to keep them in peak condition.


The link between what you put inside your stomach and how your eyes perform may not seem too obvious. Nevertheless dieting as an integral part of eye care. Amongst the best types of food to eat to ensure your eyes remain in excellent condition are fruit and vegetables.

The old adage about eating carrots to enable you to see in the dark might seem like a piece of folklore. However there is a lot of truth in the potency of these little vegetables. Carrots are root vegetables that come pre-packaged with a lot of natural substances excellent for your eyes, such as beta carotene. This is very helpful because it is an anti-oxidant that has the effect of considerably reducing your risk of macular degeneration.

Other vegetables that you should be looking out for include Brussels sprouts, peppers and broccoli. The reason why these vegetables are all terrific for eye care is because they are bursting with Vitamin C. They might not be the greatest-tasting vegetables when eaten on their own, but next time you are preparing a main course, it might be useful to consider trying out any of these as a side dish - for their medicinal qualities! If you can't bear the thought of tucking into Brussels sprouts, then why not chop them up as an additive for hummus, or yoghurt?

Sardines have long been regarded as good for your eyes. The reason for this is the fact they contain fats called omega-3. Unlike the nastier fats that are the nemesis of dieticians and weight control nutritionists across the globe, these fats are good for your body. Amongst the key properties they possess is the fact they protect the little blood vessels in your eyes.

Spinach was certainly good enough for Popeye, but he had good practical reasons for relishing this stuff! Along with sweet potatoes, they contain the same beta carotene you find in carrots. Spinach also has Vitamin C, as well as other natural ingredients, such as zeaxanthin and lutein. The best way to enjoy sweet potatoes is to slice them up into chips and gently stir-fry them with olive oil. Spinach can be added, either as a side dish, or a dip.

Eye care

When looking after your eyes directly, the things that have to be considered include avoiding damaging the surfaces. If you are a contact lens wearer, then undoubtedly your optician will have advised you not to wear these for periods exceeding 19 hours or so. Not only would this cause discomfort to your eyes, it can lead to permanent site damage.

The same precaution can be stated about wearing spectacles. If you have visited to your local multiplexed to watch a 3-D film, then only where the special 3-D glasses for the duration of the future never for any period of time afterwards. Also remember not to stare at your mobile phone too early in the morning, or late at night. When you look at object very close vs very far away you use different body muscles so it's good to look at distant objects like trees untill your eyes completely focus on all the detail and that might take a few mins, or even 30 mins. The Y-thai team do this and we have 20/20 vision, yeah, even after writing and posting so much with computers hehe.

Effective washing for curly hair

Effective washing for curly hair

A large part of maintaining curly hair is down to how you go about washing it. Styling hair like this is tricky enough, but before you get that far you should really follow a particular course of action.

The easiest way to achieve this is to set yourself a list of steps. The first is straightforward. When you come out of a shower, resist the urge to rub your hair vigorously with a towel. Instead, what you really want to do is to dab it gently, in a ‘blotting' motion. This will allow the towel to absorb moisture, rather than you going for an impatient all-out-assault to get that hair dried! Energetic rubbing of wet hair will only cause damage and this will eventually lead to that nemesis of all curly haired individuals – frizzy hair!

Of course, if you're hair is on the coarse side, it will require more focused attention. What you want to look out for is a silicone sealant that you can apply to the length of your hair prior to styling, or using any products. As you introduce this sealant, you should avoid applying it to the hair nearest your scalp. The good news is that there are various options available on the shelves of both supermarkets and more highly-specialised salons.

For fine curly hair, a slightly different course of action is required. Rather than a sealant, you should employ a silicone spray, and apply the minimal amounts to the length of your hair. As before, you want to ensure this gets into you hair thoroughly, but avoid the hair growing nearest to your scalp.

Lightweight styling gels are available if you only require minimal hold. If you require a firmer, longer-lasting effect with your products, there are many styling liquids and cream gels on the market. If you are in any doubt about which products to invest in, simply ask the assistant at the counter who will be able to provide you with all the advice you require.

To consider is what to do as you hear begins to dry. Allowing this to occur naturally is by far the best option. Alternatively, if you are pressed for time, using a blow-dryer is perfectly acceptable, provided you have it set at low heat and blast, and use a diffuser attachment. Controlling the force of the blast that is being directed at your hair will allow your curls to better maintain their consistency. As you work through your hair, squeeze the curls gently, lifting it at the roots as you proceed. A good tip here is to apply a styling cream in the first instance.

Eating sensibly during pregnancy

Eating sensibly during pregnancy

Those nine months of pregnancy are obviously fraught times for women. But there are many activities you can indulge in, in order to make the experience pleasant, and more importantly, as healthy as possible. After all, as well as your own wellbeing, your primary concern will be that your baby is given the best possible start.

Deciding what to eat during this period is one of the most crucial decisions to take. The good news is that just because you happen to be pregnant is no reason why making diet choices should be too onerous. Even if you find out you are to be the mother of twins or triplets, you can still choose from a variety of foods in order that you (and your unborn) get access to a full range of delicious nutrients.

A common question asked by expectant mothers is what foods are safest for me to eat? Fruit and vegetables are a great choice. As well as being relatively inexpensive, these are packed full of minerals, fibre and vitamins. You should aim to be eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, during the pregnancy. The best aspect of eating these is the fact there are now so many to choose from, all of which can be easily prepared in various ways.

You should also be considering eating a variety of starchy foods. This includes rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. Foodstuffs such as these are excellent sources of vitamins, fibre and energy. In order to maintain a healthy balanced diet during the nine months, it is important to inject your daily intake with these, along with the fruit and vegetables mentioned. When eating bread it is preferable that you choose the wholegrain varieties where possible. Brown rice or pasta is also much higher in fibre.

Your diet should also include a range of protein sources. The best examples of this are eggs, beans, fresh fish, tinned fish, and meat. In the case of the latter, always opt for lean meat. When it comes to preparing these dishes, it is important to ensure that chicken, pork, or even burgers or sausages, are thoroughly cooked through.

The old adage that states everything in moderation is acceptable certainly applies to pregnancy eating. It is only natural that you will feel like supplementing your diet of fruit, vegetables, starchy food and proteins with a rationed amount of drinks or foods that are relatively high in their content of fat and sugar. The key aspect of this, of course, is rationing. While there is no need to be completely abstinent, and it is still okay to enjoy the occasional sugary fizzy drink, crisps, or biscuits, it is important not to over-indulge.

Many women develop all manner of cravings during this period, but what should always be lurking at the back of your mind is the fact that eating too much sugary food can lead to you putting on too much weight. While this is not ideal at the best of times, during pregnancy it can have adverse effects on your health by increasing your blood pressure. Where your baby's health is concerned this should obviously be avoided. 

Dental care – best toothbrush techniques

Dental care – best toothbrush techniques

Maintaining a perfectly white smile can seem an uphill struggle at times, especially with the way we are bombarded with choices of rich food and drink. But as long as you appreciate the steps you can take to look after your teeth, it should be a relatively painless experience.

You should be brushing twice a day. Any less than this will allow bacteria to form inside your mouth, eventually leading to the plaque which can have such a destructive effect on your teeth enamel. Any more than this will actually have a detrimental effect as the protective layer of enamel coating the teeth will be effectively worn away.

Any dentist will concur that brushing your teeth thoroughly is by far the most effective way of keeping them healthy. Like any other household instrument that is regularly used, it is important to consider the shelf life of your toothbrush. Once any toothbrush has been employed for any length of time, the bristles will begin to wilt under the pressure. For a toothbrush that is months old, its bristles will no longer stand proud. Once they buckle, they will be much less effective at reaching into the awkward recesses of your teeth.

It is advisable to brush your teeth for a certain period. This should certainly not be any less than two minutes. As you attend to your teeth, you may well have a certain pattern of movement that you adhere to. Many people commence at the rear of the month, getting into those thick molars. Working your way forward you should be paying close attention to the incisors, or front teeth. Remember to cover every possible surface of the teeth. It is especially important to deal with the inside of the teeth, even if these aren't actually going to be exposed for scrutiny by the outside world at any point. Plaque can gather at any portion of your teeth, but especially round about cracks or partitions where your toothbrush is less likely to delve than open spaces.

More and more people are choosing the option of the electric toothbrush. This is not necessarily just down to convenience. Electric shavers are far more effective at attacking the bacteria that exists inside your mouth. As the plastic bristles rotate, driven by the electrical charge, the vigorous friction will really help to remove foreign particles from the surface of your teeth and gums.

You should also treat an electric toothbrush as you would any other kind. Its head is not going to last for ever, so you should be aiming to change every two to three months. As well as the bristles themselves losing their strength, the more often you use them inside your mouth, the more bacteria they'll harbour. If this isn't checked, the bacteria will simply be transferred from the toothbrush head into your mouth.

When it comes to the actual brushing motion, whether you are using the traditional brush or an electric one, the optimum method is to place the instrument at a 45° angle against your gums. No move it around in a circular, grinding motion, rather than the enthusiastic but far less effective ‘backwards and forwards' technique that is universally popular. Also learn to grip as if you were holding a pencil – again, this ensures that you don't employ too much pressure as you scrub.

Enjoy detergent food

Enjoy detergent food

Considering the calorific qualities of your daily meals is only one aspect that should always be under your firm attention. It is one thing keeping an eye on how what you eat will affect your weight, as well as your overall health. But another thing to look out for is what effect anything you ingest will be having on your oral hygiene.

When it comes to keeping your teeth white and healthy-looking, there are certain foods that are far better than others. These can loosely be termed ‘detergent foods'. The number one quality these should possess is that they should be crisp and firm.

The obvious advantage of this of oral hygiene is that unlike brushing teeth that can occasionally be forgotten, we all have to eat every day. All that rubbing up and down of your teeth with a brush can eventually seem like a bit of a chore. But choosing foods with proactive cleaning properties can be exciting. As you get into detergent foods you'll build up your own favourites – foods that you don't just enjoy for their taste, but also for their nutritional and bacteria-slaying properties!

Foodstuffs falling into this category are excellent for giving your teeth a rigorous workout, basically by the force of friction. In much the same way as your toothbrush will rub against the enamel, as well as scraping along the gums, these foods will help to remove plaque or bacteria by applying pressure. A lot of fruits and vegetables seem almost bespoke-designed to achieve the optimum detergent effect. If these were to be arranged into any sort of league table, then those examples that would constantly be battling for the premiership trophy would include celery, apples and raw carrots.

As well as forming the components of healthy salads, these are all relatively cheap foodstuffs. They are also terrific for children because it is actually pleasant and satisfying to really crunch into something with your teeth. Youngsters also go for brightly-coloured items, so will enthusiastically tuck into chopped uncooked carrots, or crimson apples.

Another excellent example of a 'detergent' food is popcorn. It is definitely one of life's pleasures to sit around on a lazy afternoon absorbing an entertaining family film. This experience is topped by having a large bowl of popcorn within easy delving reach of each participant. The popcorn itself is very good at getting right into the recesses of your teeth. Even better, popcorn has a porous quality that allows it to soak up saliva- and with that, unwelcome bacteria.

When it comes to planning your meals, it makes sense to ensure that you leave at least one type of detergent food to the very end. So once you have had your fill of courses that have left you with rich sauces or juices, simply pick up an apple and crunch away. This is a far more recommended way to conclude any feast than gorging on teeth-staining, sugar-infused chocolate mints, or pungent cheeses that are already riddled with their own bacteria colonies.

Food to keep your teeth clean

Food to keep your teeth clean

There are many foodstuffs on the market that are highly recommended by specialists for their abilities to help maintain healthy teeth. Some are perhaps fairly obvious; others less so.

Herbal tea

Overall, tea is generally regarded as being unsuitable for cleaning teeth, as it possesses chemicals like tannin that will have an adverse affect on tooth colour. But there are many natural teas where the opposite is the effect. Herbal teas, which are infused, are actually a terrific way to keep your teeth in tip-top condition. Green tea has, amongst other ingredients, polyphenol antioxidant plant compounds. These come with a powerful set of cleaning resources. They will help to reduce plaque, as well as combating gum disease and reducing cavities.

Dairy products

Believe it or not, cheese actually contains some natural cavity-fighting agents. It also contains a range of vitamins that will help to preserve the integrity of the enamel, keeping your teeth strong. Cheese possesses phosphate and calcium, two substances that balance your mouth's natural pH. It also not only preserves but also rebuilds damaged tooth enamel. Because it produces a lot of saliva, it assists in the way your mouth combats bacterial infection- killing the very bacteria that cause gum disease, tooth decay and cavities to form.

Dairy foodstuffs like yoghurt and milk are excellent for your dental hygiene because of their low acidity. This means that wearing of the teeth is kept to a minimum. There is also little in the way of decay-promoting sugar present.

Milk is one of the best sources of calcium there is; and this element is the main component of your bones and teeth.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are often, by their very nature, excellent for keeping our teeth cleaned. The obvious ones are apples, but as long as the natural consistency of these products is relatively strong, then they are always recommended for keeping your teeth well-maintained. Eating something like raw carrots, or indeed any fruit or vegetable where are really have to crunch into the flesh, will provide a naturally abrasive action. The friction from this will keep your teeth scrubbed.

These foodstuffs are also a tremendous source of vitamins. Kiwi fruits, apples and strawberries all possess Vitamin C. In chemical terms, this is the element that binds cells together. When Vitamin C is neglected, you're gum cells can break down, rendering them susceptible to disease. Vitamin A is to be found ina diverse range of foods, notably carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli and pumpkins. This vitamin is vital for the formation of tooth enamel.

The key point is that any vegetable tat is crunchy and requires a certain degree of effort to actually chew in order to break it down will help clean your gums. For this reason, raw vegetables are always much better for keeping your teeth and gums clean. As well as having a solid consistency that actually feels better when biting down into the flesh, their natural flavours remain sealed in. Once vegetables begin to get cooked there is always the very real danger of them being overcooked, when they will not only lose their teeth-protecting qualities, they'll also taste a lot worse!