Tips for oral care

Tips for oral care

Oral hygiene is one of the most important considerations when it comes to personal health. A great number of germs and other foreign bodies can access your body via this orifice, so it's of the utmost importance to keep it as clean as possible.

An oral irrigator is perfect for the job. So how do these gadgets actually work? Basically, an oral irrigator provides your mouth with its very own jet wash. Pressurized water is aimed at its target, cleaning unwanted plaque, as well as other food particles that might be lodged between the teeth, and also around the margin where your teeth meet the gums.

Irrigators are sometimes known as water jets, for obvious reasons. They are most popular for those of us who struggle to get the task done with toothpaste and flossing alone.

Counter top water irrigator

This type of irrigator is mains-powered. They will contain extensive reservoirs of water for the task, meaning that they are suitable for multiple uses. The irrigator's large reservoir is connected to the handle by a flexible tube. The flow of the irrigator is managed by a setting on the irrigator, which can be adjusted. Similarly, a button on the handle can help to control the rate of water flow.

Cordless water irrigator

These units are built with a re-chargeable battery, and the reservoir is built into the gadget's handle. They are equally as powerful as the counter top water irrigators, but they tend to have fewer adjustable parameters. This means that they are not quite as reliable as the counter top water irrigators. Where these machines really come into their own is in bathrooms that don't have a dedicated shaver socket. They are also ideal for anyone who has to travel a lot.

There are a variety of irrigators on the market. Some have large enough reservoirs to get that mouth rinsed for four separate uses. With up to 10 pressure controls and as many as six different styles of tips, these are often quite rightly regarded as the ultimate in luxurious water flossers. Most of these units have been upgraded to work on British shaver sockets.

Nano versions are useful because they are so cost effective. One advantage of these smaller, more compact irrigators is that they are much quieter than their more powerful counterparts. Although they have fewer controls, they are very flexible for bathroom use, coming with a to-pin shaver plug.

Air Floss irrigators are relatively new in the market, but one particular model that is already making a name for itself is the Philips Sonicare AirFloss HX8111/2. Philips are quite rightly regarded as purveyors of quality products, and this one is no exception. It uses a type of patented technology know as ‘microburst', which is extremely effective at delving into the gaps between teeth; and between teeth and gums. This is also a cost-effective irrigator as it only requires a fraction of the fluid, compared to other irrigators.

They are popular because the low volume of water means you don't suffer from excess water trickling from your mouth. Its affordability means that you can also afford to splash out on your favourite mouthwash.

Beautiful people

Beautiful people

Type in ‘most desirable woman in the world' in Google and you will be provided with a series of links and images of Jennifer Lawrence. When the search is modified to ‘most desirable man in the world', Google seem to be unable to provide one name. Is it not intriguing how there is an ideal person or image in which women all over the world are to be measured against to be desirable?

It is no surprise that a famous female figure in history is well-known for her body or the clothes she wears. Before Jennifer Lawrence, there was the period where Megan Fox was the ideal that women strove to imitate, and which some still do to date. Although her physical body was the envy of many women and desired by men, it was Megan Fox's attires which accentuated or amplified her body that drew attention. On the contrary, Lady Gaga's outfits that always astound and puzzle people across the globe were rarely flattering but it captivated an audience that attempt to emulate her style. One can even find, Audrey Hepburn, as quoted to being an inspiration icon for women today.

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty is a perfect example to explain the point of this article – women come in various shapes, sizes and color. There is no one style which fits all. What may compliment a petite-sized woman may not look as well on a plus-size woman. Despite the ‘thin is healthy' mindset that many carry around these days, a bigger size does not disallow women to be fashionable. It is of utmost importance that a woman feels happy and comfortable of her body to be able to project that confidence in everything she puts on. After all, are you wearing the dress or is the dress wearing you?

People tend to get more compliments about looking well and healthy when they are fit and looking after themselves. Go outdoors, get some sun, get rosy cheeks, life live, celebrate with friends, have a glass of wine, relax and socalise to live longer!

Get an activity tracker watch

Get an activity tracker watch

People from all walks of life wear one accessory in which, design and functionality is important. Eventually, the purpose of the watch develops and the design, is equally as significant.

Many brands have flooded the watch market and buyers are spoilt for choice. Even sporting brands such as Adidas and Nike have a collection of watches and the Samsung Gear – a timepiece that doubles as a phone too. With these newer and trendier selections, watch brands such as Fitbit, iWatch, OMEGA and TAG Heuer have to effectively entice the younger market without compromising quality at competitive rates.

When one buys a watch or fitness tracker, does one expect it to last beyond 5 years? Perhaps it is the aesthetics that move people to purchase a timepiece and with a warranty of two years, it seems like a fair deal. However, consumers should think to invest in the long-term. How much more precious a timepiece would be 10 years in the future? Sentimentality towards an object may seem like a wrong reason to purchase an item yet, one does not throw out a sturdy piece of wooden furniture after a decade, right?

When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, steps are just the beginning. Fitbit tracks every part of your day—including activity, exercise, food, weight and sleep—to help you find your fit, stay motivated, and see how small steps make a big impact. Fitbit is accessible on 200+ phones, including Android, iOS and Windows—more than any other tracker. Fitbit helps people lead healthier, more active lives by empowering them with data, inspiration and guidance to reach their goals. As the leader in the connected health and fitness category, Fitbit designs products and experiences that track everyday health and fitness.

The Apple Watch is the ultimate device for a healthy life. Choose from a range of models including Apple Watch Series 3 and Apple Watch Series 1.  Smart activity coaching. An enhanced Heart Rate app. Your favorite playlists right on your wrist. And a built-in altimeter. With Apple Watch Series 3 you can Track a casual walk, an intense ride, and everything in between. Apple Watch Series 3 tracks all the ways you move throughout the day, whether you're biking to work, doing cartwheels with the kids, or hitting the gym. 



It is known by many terms and yet, some refuse to believe that one's crowning glory is a natural accessory that requires continual care or the costs incurred from it. It is a relief that not many hold to this opinion or there would be a sore lack of hairdresser's and salons. Like any part of the body, the human hair deserves equal care as we give to our face and skin.

Beyond the basic shampoo, conditioner and haircut, what more can one do? There are multiple hairstyles one can choose to sport and those who constantly change their hairdo need more than the basic care. If it is a question of cost, there is various hair products found in stores which the general population can afford. For the adventurous, DIY hair dyes are available in innumerable department stores and shops.

With the advent of, there is an assortment of videos which one can choose to view to learn how to be an amateur hairdresser from scratch. One need only to browse any social media platform to note how common it is to see pictures of DIY hair dip dyeing or styling that look like a salon job. Of course, there is a need for proper certification and training which the writer believes all hairdressers should obtain.

Like any smart consumer would, you should weigh your decisions over a long period of time and choose wisely. There are home remedies designed to nourish your hair or hair treatment centers for the less brave. In the end, you should ask yourself if you would like to age with healthy hair or grow bald in your golden years. Wigs are an alternative but accidents may happen and we simply cannot have that moment caught on camera, can we?

Making A Fashionable Choice

Making A Fashionable Choice

At any point of our lives, we have learnt to hone our sense of fashion through the many walking examples surrounding us. The general idea of how we come to decide and select on a clothing item is through the lens of others. Don't be like that, just go with your own ideas and be comfortable. Nothing too tight, let your body breath, think about temperature more than shocking fashion fads.

If you were to walk down any street, you would see countless clothes pairings by different individuals. Although it may be an unconscious action, we store the outfits we have seen and keep it as referrals for another day. This may also occur when one reads fashion magazines which advices its readers of what designs can work in different scenarios. When facing a choice between medium-sized prints or large-sized prints, your mind works its way to dig into stored images or advices that would help you decide on the fashionably right selection. If that fails, one simply brings both outfits into the dressing room. That would equate to more time trying out items you may not buy (if the cut is simply unflattering) if you are on a time constraint.

In the event that the changing room mirror fails to tell you of the better choice, don't forget that you can always ask for a second opinion. It is always a good idea to have a companion when you are shopping for a new outfit. An outsider's view may be able to point out certain angles that may be unflattering or even financially help you decide when there is only enough for two outfits instead of there. There are the changing room assistants who can offer their opinion but always take recommendations with a grain of salt. Ultimately, it is you who will be wearing the outfit.